Year 2021/2022 Prophesies
Flash back to previous Years prophesies:
By Prophet Dr. Stanley Kuforiji, General Overseer,
The Lamp Of Jerusalem Deliverance Ministries
(a.k.a. The Light Of The Lamb Rev. 21)
The General Prophesies below are from GOD, received through the HOLY GHOST. They are to guide us through out the Year 2021/2022. We need Prayer for total victory, so join us wherever you are. Much Prayer and total FAITH in GOD will bring the much-needed peace, happiness and prosperity in the lives of people and the society, and send evil away from our domain. We thank the Lord God Almighty for the fulfilments of all Year 2020 Prophesies and all the Testimonies of our brethren from all over the world.
Pray more in 2021/2022
Two Disturbing Visions That I Received which still continue to repeat itself in 2021/2022
First Vision:
This vision was first revealed to me in 2013 but came back in 2020 and still repeated itself for 2021/2022:-
In this vision, a loud fearful voice roared out of the middle of the sea…!
This vision was an extension of the visions that I received earlier, which was published in my book,“5 DAYS WONDERS OF GOD AND THE MIGHTY REVELATIONS”
The message to the world: The spirit of the old Babylon the Great and the Dragon the Devil will manifest more on earth again in Year 2021/2022 that will cause more woes in the Kingdom of God on earth. In this vision, I heard a very loud fearful voice which roared out of the middle of the sea, and which shook all the territories of the earth like a rumbling underneath the ground! Suddenly, the beast raised up its head, and behold a gigantic massive fearful being that was changing into many colors like a chameleon…!
To them whom the Lord has given the spirit of interpretation can discern these mysteries.
The above vision was first received by me in Year 2013, but re-manifested again in Year 2020 and also for 2021/2022.
- The manifestations of this Dragon the Devil will affect the world; the commerce and industry, the health sector, the people and the missionary of God on earth.
- These manifestations is to alert the word that the end-time is near.
Second Vision:
In my second vision, the Lord showed me in my deep trance the Bible verses in the Book of Genesis below; this vision was first revealed in my Prophesies of 2020, but keep on repeating itself!
Genesis 6:11-12 (KJV)
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
When you look critically at the situation of things in the world today, evil and violence have taken over the whole earth like it was in the days of Noah! This is a signal that we are now all living in the end times as the Bible has prophesied. All system of things continue to deteriorate with no any hope at sight for a positive change.
When you look farther into the world, you’ll see the scenarios of catastrophic global terrorism on the rise and you will see political tensions and economic woes on every land!May the saving mighty Hands of the Lord save the world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. While the Saints are busy praying to YAHWEH GOD OF OUR ANCESTORS; THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, the children of perdition are busy destroying the world!
The two above are my disturbing visions for Year 2021/2022. Children of God on earth should ponder over this and pray for themselves and for the world!
The two above are my disturbing visions for Year 2021/2022. Children of God on earth should ponder over this and pray for themselves and for the world!
A Clarion Call For You To Be Saved Now!
– Your Salvation in Christ Jesus is important in this end-time race
John 8:12 Jesus said; “I am the Light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the Light of life.”
John 6:47 Jesus said; “Verily, verily, I say to you; he that believes on me has everlasting life.”
Matthew 24:13: Jesus said; “Those who have salvation and can endure till the end shall be saved.
Revelation 20:15 “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”
My Other Prophesies for Year 2021/2022
Covid-19 will lead to other epidemics or pandemics, but the mighty power of God Almighty shall bring this under control and Children of God need not to fear. The Saints and Children of God should pray more all over world.
The economy of some nations will worsen because of the prevalence of Covid-19 pandemic.
In 2021/2022 The Nations of the world need more fervent prayer. Children of God are admonished to pray for their respective Nations and other Nations of the world.
Because of the outbreak of the pandemics, the world economy will be shaken, but the prayer of the Saints can restore normalcy, so the Children of God should arise and pray for the world economy.
In 2021/2022 Religious leaders and churches around the globe will face more persecution. Religious organisations and leaders should put their homes in order.
In 2021/2022 The wicked satanic power in all territories of the world will rise more violently to attack the brethren, the Churches and homes. This is in agitation of Satan’s final end-time war to recruit many to hell! The true missionaries of Jesus Christ around the world should arise more with power to save the youths and the people. Servants of God need pure anointing impartation to overcome modern day challenges and to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to save the sinking world!
Servants of God who are genuinely called are admonished to receive the right anointing and stand upright in the Lord in order to fulfil missionary goals on earth.
Children of God and people should pray for their leaders in their respective nations for God to grant them wisdom with which to govern their people and for their economies to be conducive for the much-envisaged economic development. Pray for economic policies that will enhance employment generation and investments drive. Pray for economic policies that will save the lives of the poor in terms of employment generation and other relevant social support schemes.
Some of the space asteroids are bound to hit the earth in 2021/2022. But the finger of the Lord shall hold them back from making devastating impact with the earth. The saints of the Lord should pray all over the world to avoid catastrophe in some part of the world.
There will still be natural disasters which may come in different forms around the globe, but the Lord shall take full control and the impact will be less with fervent prayer to the Lord. Religious leaders, Children of God and people should pray all over the world against natural disasters to avoid catastrophe in some parts of the world.
Division among the Churches:
Again, as revealed in my previous prophesies the Lord directed me to Churches and Ministries across the globe in 2021/2022:
It is saddening to see that Churches cannot unite and work together as a powerful force in this last days. The mentality of envy, hatred and criticism, even among the elects and brethren themselves should stop to bring sanity to the Church. The Body of Christ cannot do much in rescuing the falling world because of lack of unity. It is an unhealthy and disheartening phenomenon in this end times that the Body of Christ cannot work in one accord! Churches and ministries across the globe should unite and love one another and work together, and firmly uphold Christ doctrine and preach salvation messages to the people to save the sinking world.
As we can see from our eyes, we are now in the end-time with all these fearful manifestations around us. Children of God should remain focused unto the Lord whose plan is for us to have abundant life on earth and also make heaven in the end; He has created us and we have life through Christ Jesus who died for us. Those who are not yet born-again should run to Jesus and accept him as their personal Lord and Savior.
The Church where the word of God is preached undiluted is a safe place for the children of God on earth. So, you should endeavor to be part of the true Missionary of Christ. Consider also below all what the Bible says concerning the End-time: –
– The earth is to be shaken. Isaiah 2: 19-21
– The heavens and the nations are to be shaken. Haggai 2:6-7
– Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Heb. 12:26-29
– “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord; and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship the Lord. For the kingdom is the Lord’s: and He is the Governor among the nations”. Psalm 22:27-28
– In the Last Days all nations would flow to the house of God. Isaiah 2:2-3
Anywhere you are around the world, you have the option to also join the KINGDOM PARTNERS and remain blessed forevermore. The Lord shall surely bless you continually and you shall make Heaven and reign with God in eternity to His glory. You are called to be a vessel whom God will use for His Kingdom.
Life Changing Books: Our ministry has published Life Changing Books that can be used by servants of God and their Churches, and also individual believers to help in anointing power impartation and Church growth. These are Holy Spirit inspired books and according to the Lord’s directive, we are mobilizing saints across the globe to partner with us in this vision of edifying the Church of God on earth.
Catastrophes in the world to continue till Christ comes!
Children of God should always take note:
– In Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus Christ spoke about all that would happen in the end times!
Many catastrophes and woes that happen in the world in this Last Days do not need any other further prophesies because they shall continue to happen year after year more violently till Christ comes. Many of these were man-made catastrophes and were caused by people – mainly by wars, terrorists attacks, religious, socio-political and civil riots. Others are sometimes referred to as natural disasters or “acts of God” which include earthquakes and landslides, flooding, snow and ice, cyclone, hurricane, typhoon, tsunami, drought and famine etc. Others are epidemics and diseases. The Bible has spoken much about end time disasters that we are witnessing today. The only thing to advise everyone is to be at alert and be ready for Christ’ coming; to consider all these things as real evidence of end-time—for hell is real and heaven is real! Prayer can save nations and individual lives. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can find lasting peace, healing, deliverance and total freedom.
The Strongholds have to let you go in 2021/2022!
Like the past years, this year shall also be exceedingly hot for your oppressors! Holy Ghost and the Heavenly Angelic Army shall arise for your sake. God shall fight for you with His Majestic voice and His mighty strong arms in 2021/2022. (Psalm 29:4; Isaiah 30:30).
Peace and Blessings to the World
For Year 2021/2022 I saw this vision for true children of God and servants of God: In my vision I saw in the sky the Language of Heaven “MAKEPOH-ZINNAH-MAKEH-MERAH-POH-KEH-SINAH-ROSH-DAHH….” meaning “JOY, PEACE AND ABUNDANT BLESSINGS FOR MY BELOVED ONES”. In 2021/2022 true covenant believers shall be blessed and be protected supernaturally by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB. Praise God continually and remember the above power Words and speak it as often as you can while praising the Lord with Psalm 145.
Spiritual Empowerment through the right Anointing
Spiritual Empowerment is available for children of God, pastors, evangelists, teachers, bishops, reverends, apostles, prophets who have the calling of God and who earnestly seek for anointing power impartation in their respective ministries of calling. It is when the Shepherds of the Lord are empowered that efficacious message of eternal salvation and deliverance can be brought to all.
Power to Faithful Believers
Faithful Children of God will surely enjoy the full Blessings of God in 2021/2022. God will surely show special mercy on those who uphold the Commandments and devote their lives more to the work of God, and who sow seeds to Kingdom work. There shall be manifestations of God’s mighty power and the Lord shall bless faithful brethren according to His words in the Covenants He has made with His children. Deuteronomy 28: 1-14.
All children of God should offer Praises & Thanksgiving to GOD with Psalm 89 according to the Prophetic revelation for the world in this Year 2021/2022 of our Lord.
For your enquiries, please send email to:
Or call: +277 8935 5365.
Prophet Stanley’s Book titled “5 DAYS WONDERS OF GOD AND THE MIGHTY REVELATIONS” is a must read which speaks more about shocking Revelations and the End of the World saga! ……….read more