

Please use the form at for your registration.


24-Hr-Daily Prayer Intercessory and Spiritual Alertness to all issues of life

  1. Health to your Body
  2. Wisdom to your Brain
  3. Success to your Hand
  4. Blessing to your Heart
  5. Breakthrough, Money, Wealth, Fame to your Life
  6. Protection and Comfort to your Home
  7. Everlasting Joy and Happiness to your Life
  8. Long Life to your Soul
  9. Spiritual Power impartation to your life: Holy Ghost Anointing Power
  10. Quick Fulfilment of your Goals.

Enjoy your Membership with Permanent Solution to the following Problems:-
– Bad Dreams and Nightmares.
– Sickness and other forms of Afflictions.
– Evil Spirits Manifestations.
– Madness, Spiritual Attacks, Curses etc.
– Poverty, Money Squandering Spirit, Business Failures,
Debts and Financial Woes
– Fear, Grief, Sorrow from the heart.
– Dangerous Enemies at Home and at Work: Envy,
Hatred, Evil Arrows etc.
– Send Arrow or Evil Back To Sender: The Vengeance of God Over your Unrepentant Enemies and Strongholds. (2 Thessalonians 1:6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you)
– The Battle of the Delay in Promotion at Work.
– Marriage & Divorce Issues.
-Failure in undertakings
-Pregnancy Problems, Miscarriage, etc.
-Frustration & Delay in Breakthrough.
-Generational Family Problems
-Court Case: Legal Battles.
-Protection of yourself, Homes and Properties
-The Battle of Delay in Marriage and for a Godly Spouse.
-The Battle of Loneliness; Rejection and Condemnation.
-The Battle of Academic Failures: Memory Attack and
other Satanic Manipulations.
-The Battle of Unemployment.
-The Battle of Robbery Attack and Wastage of Fortunes.
-The Battle of Premature Death.
-The Battle of Stagnation of your Missionary Calling
(for Servants of God).


I congratulate you for your membership of the Kingdom Partners for your dream fulfilling and eternity in the Kingdom of our God. Also extended to you, is warm greetings from members in Asia, Europe, America , Oceania & Africa. Stay Blessed and Rejoice Forever more in Jesus name.
Membership is FREE:
Your Offerings and Tithes will be totally used for God’s work. To be utilized in the following areas of Missionary:
Church Programs and on-going Projects, Advertising, Printing & Publication, Orphanage Home, Disables, Evangelism, Charity To The Poor.
Please use the form at for your registration.
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