Power for Politicians

Spiritual Power for Politicians

It is part of the vision of this ministry to impart Politicians with Anointing Power to enable them fulfill political goal on earth as ordained for them by the Lord. We are in a spiritual battle field and failure to receive the right Anointing Power at the right time will result in unavoidable catastrophes of life. Interested Politicians from any territory of the world are invited to contact the prophet by sending an email with detailed information about the problems being currently encountered. By the grace of God through the Holy Spirit they will receive the Holy Mantle power that will pave way for progress and total victory for their political career in life.     

When you receive the Holy Mantle for direct anointing power impartation as a Politician, you will be able to achieve the following by the mighty power of the Lord Most High as ordained for you:-

1    Overcome problems or evil that may come from political associates and oppositions.
2.   Sharp and accurate vision and revelation to be able to detect someone’s mind whether it is for good or evil plans.
3.   Full protection from armed robbers and kidnappers; total protection and freedom.
4.  Total spiritual immunity against deadly enemies and destroyers of your life.
5.   Power and authority in your mouth and words.
6.   Win the interest of people to your party in your campaign at all levels
7.   Power to see very clear sharp visions and revelations about your political career.
8.  Total Spiritual Security for the Politician, his family, his business and properties.
9.  High Anointing power and overall fulfillment of your political aims and objectives.
10.  Experiencing high level Spiritual Power for happiness, lasting peace, joy, success, money, love, good health, protection, good visions, wisdom and knowledge, long life etc.
11.  A continual spiritual reinforcement for you.

Interested Politicians who are desirous of Super Anointing power impartation to take full control of their political careers and destiny should respond.
Send Email:    kingdompartners@holyriches.org
Call:   +27 78 935 5365

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