
– And How to Escape It

Prophet Stanley Kuforiji has written this book to expose the forces of darkness and the various ways through which they wage war against your life. This book brings to light what happens in the corridor of darkness at night against your life. Missiles in this book are likened to spiritual arrows shot at night to destroy human lives. It is usually fired to avenge a wrong-doing, or shot at the victim for no just cause. The evil men at the corridor of darkness shoot it at will against humanity, because they are created to destroy, and knowing that their time is very short on earth. Satan is the father of evil in the world, having failed the battle from heaven and hauled down to the earth with his fallen angels. Many are victims of the missiles fired at night. It is a well-known age-long fact that horrible things take place at night against our lives; bad dreams often take place at night, firing of arrows from witches, wizards and enemies all usually take place at night, occultic meetings, initiations, evil sacrifices and ceremonies, mystical movements and journeys, idolatry, and a host of other satanic mischief activities, all take place in the dark. Even, in our physical world, the thieves and robbers often operate at night in the dark. All bad things of life are associated with darkness. The Bible condemns darkness in all its ramifications. God Almighty the Father of all hates darkness. Every man who has the spirit of love and the fear of God hates darkness. God Has promised to fight for you and to avenge with anger and put an utter destruction to the activities of the devil operating against your life. With this great book of Deliverance written through Holy Spirit guidance, you will overcome the missiles of the night and all evil spiritual flames that are kindled against your life, and have your final peace and prosperity.

About the Author Prophet Stanley Kuforiji is a renowned author who has published dozens of thought provoking life changing books that connect truth to your real needs and challenges in today’s turbulent world. If you are looking for highly inspirational and authentic spiritual books written and produced from a scintillating pure Biblical perspective, then check out from his extensive works of unrivalled book titles. Prophet Stanley Kuforiji’s ultimate ambition is to see the children of God enjoy fully God’s blessings on earth. He has multi-dimensional experience and training in the missionary field and has Doctorate degrees both in Theology and Divinity. He founded THE LAMP OF JERUSALEM DELIVERANCE MINISTRY and the THE KINGDOM PARTNERS (KP) worldwide. He is a mentor to many and has raised great Ministers of God in the world. Anointed by God, Prophet Stanley is a Teacher, Prophet, Evangelist and Preacher of the Word. His life is full of living testimonies to the glory of God. Because of his high mentoring capability and sharp prophetic calling, his followers call him “The Great Ambassador of Christ”. He has helped in pioneering so many Churches through his Deliverance Ministry. Prophet Stanley Kuforiji is married with children.

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