Power for Pastors


It is also the vision of this ministry to impart Pastors and ministers of God with Anointing Power to enable them fulfill their missionary callings at an early time as ordained for them by the Lord. We are in a spiritual battle field and failure to receive the right Anointing Power at the right time will result in long frustrating delays which many servants of God face today. Interested servants of God from any territory of the world are invited to let us know their problems by sending an email with detailed information about their calling and missionary. By the grace of God through the Holy Spirit they will receive the Holy Mantle power that will pave way for progress and fulfillment of their missionary goals.

When you receive the Holy Mantles for direct anointing power impartation as a servant of God, you will be able to achieve the following by the mighty power of the Lord Most High as ordained for you:

  1. Crowd pulling through direct Anointing power of the Holy Spirit
  2. Sharp and accurate prophesies about the past, present and future of a thing or of a person.
  3. Instant deliverance and freedom of possessed persons under your ministration and revival.
  4. Healing the sick of all kinds and fruit of the womb, etc.
  5. Preaching and teaching with the influence, unction and anointing of the Holy Spirit.
  6. Power and authority in your mouth and words.
  7. Power to see very clear sharp Visions and Prophesy to the glory of God the Father.
  8. Total Spiritual Security for the Servant of the Lord, his family, his ministry and properties.
  9. High Anointing power and overall fulfillment of your Calling as a servant of the Lord
  10. Anointing power of the Lord as a Servant of God to travel to many lands or countries to propagate the missionary of Jesus Christ as ordained by God.

Servants of God who are truly called can receive Super Anointing power for calling fulfillment.
Send Email: kingdompartners@holyriches.org

ARE YOU TIRED OF LIFE? Do you know there are also a number of other forms of Demons or Demonic Characteristics that affect your health, life and destiny with more devastating effect as you seek for solution from one place to the other? May the Lord give you the grace to know the truth before too long! Permanent peaceful simple solution and Deliverance is possible for you anywhere you may be in the world!

This Year 2020 let’s all continue to pray and praise the Lord together with Psalms 148. God bless you, God bless your nation, God bless the world in Jesus Christ mighty name. AMEN.
It Is Still Not Too Late! Have you being to many places including many countries seeking for solutions and still failed, tired, disappointed and frustrated? Here can be your final place to receive your miracle if you believe!
YOU CAN START NOW! We are in the last Days and you do not need that cumbersome deliverance processes to receive GOD’s blessings. Distance is not a barrier; you’ll SURELY get what you need wherever you are on earth with a simple believing sanctified heart. It is the will of GOD for you to prosper easily in all areas of your life without too much mind confusion, pains and labor. 3John 2

ARE YOU READY? If you are finally ready for God’s blessings through genuine salvation in Christ Jesus and also prepare yourself ready for the coming rapture, then don’t waste your time by getting copies of our Life Changing Books for yourself, family and friends. Large number of copies shall be distributed FREE worldwide to the underprivileged using our available resources to the glory of God the Father. http://holyriches.org/

Arise! Now is your time to fulfill destiny because that is the Will of God for your life on earth!!


Prophet Dr. (ELIJAH) Stanley Kuforiji
Read all the information on this site and then take prompt action to receive divine solution and blessings of God.……….read


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